
15 Feb 2017

Category: Products Events Note

During the most important event on food nutrition, condparma has decided to be present with its brand.
In front of entrance Est , on the way to Palazzo Italia, condiparma is in the pavillon of Federalimentare "Cibus è Italia" on the first floor. This pavillon is the symbol of Italian food industry, inside there are 15 zones representatives of food chains and of the best of made in Italy. Moreover there is a tribute to Parma city with the logo Parma for Expo, in which condiparma is collocated, with other firms, as qualified company and representative of the territory.
condiparma has got the privilege to be in this unique occasion, Expo is "one of the moment of sharing of italian food culture, of its hystory and its products"(parma.repubblica del 08/04/2015); the company can exhibit its brand and its image in an international space.